How to reset the password

Created by Tap Applications, Modified on Wed, 06 Mar 2024 at 04:14 PM by Esraa Nasser Sallam

It's so easy to reset your password anytime, just follow the below steps:

  1. From the Tap website click on Sign In > Forgot Password OR press Forgot Password?

  2. Then add your email address which the resent link will be sent to it.

  3. Open the sent email and click on Reset My Password

  4. Write your new password and press Reset Password.

  5. Back to the Tap website click on Sign In and write your email and new password you created.

It's done!

Note: You may find the reset link email into the "Spam or Trash" messages so keep checking in case you didn't find the reset link email.

Find below a video elaborating the steps:

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