What payment solutions are available for e-commerce platforms looking to easily integrate payment for businesses?

Created by Tap Applications, Modified on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 08:54 AM by Tap Applications

Platform APIs is the latest in a range of unique solutions designed by Tap Payments to help make accepting online payments easier for merchants in the region.

With Platform APIs, no longer do you need to develop a plugin for merchants signing up with your platform to be able to integrate with our payment gateway easily. Instead, signing up as a platform within Tap Payments will give you access to our business creation APIs.

This means:

  1. You can easily gain access to the API keys for your merchants to integrate with the Tap payment gateway

  2. You can easily onboard merchants to your platform and have them accepting online payments instantly

  3. Tap will handle the KYC verification, any disputes, or other payment-related issues that come up

It’s all of the ease and none of the hassle! Focus on setting up your platform and we’ll handle the payments.

If you’d like to talk to our payment experts about setting up a platform, you can reach out to our customer experience agents on the live chat available within our website.

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