Can I update the amount in an existing subscription?

Created by Tap Applications, Modified on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 08:56 AM by Tap Applications

Yes, you can. If your customer upgrades or downgrades to a different price plan, you can update that amount within the subscription. However, the only way to do that is by canceling the current subscription and creating a new subscription with the updated amount.

This will not involve entering the customer’s card details though, so it’ll still be a seamless experience for the customer to change their subscription. However, for your records, it’ll be considered as a new subscription.

You can have a detailed look at this within the Update subscription API under Subscription from our documentation page. If you’d like to activate subscription payments for your customers or have any other questions about updating subscriptions, you can also contact our customer experience agents through the live chat available on our website.

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