How to change the payment method in Charge API using Source ID?

Created by Tap Applications, Modified on Wed, 29 May 2024 at 03:57 PM by Esraa Nasser Sallam

Through our payment gateway, goSell, you can have many different payment methods enabled as needed. When using the charge API, if you're looking to change the payment method using Source ID, it's just a matter of selecting the right values for the source ID.

Source ID indicates the payment method

The possible values are:

  • src_kw.knet: This will redirect the user to the KNET payment page

  • token ID: Amount will be deducted from the card which was tokenized

  • authorize ID: Amount will be deducted from the provided authorized transaction

  • src_all: This will redirect the user to a Tap Payment page which displays all available payment options provided by Tap

  • src_card: This will redirect the user to a Tap Payment page which displays all available card payment options provided by Tap

If you'd like more information about this, please check our documentation page. If you have any other questions about the APIs, you can also always contact our customer experience agents through the live chat available on our website.

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